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10157191089805309 時間:2019-07-20 00:12 歐處長台語粉好哩~👍 #6F航空與太空 分享 美國在台協會高雄分處 AIT Kaohsiung──和南瀛天文館及其他 2 人。
照過來照過來!! 為慶祝阿波羅11號登月50週年, AIT 高雄分處處長歐雨修專程到南台灣幾間知名的科學及太空博物館參觀, 並用台語錄製了一段有關美台航太合作的短片! 快來看看吧! #AITat40 #AITat40celebration #Apollo50th<br> To celebrate the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11, AIT/K Branch Chief Matt… 更多 O’Connor spent a day exploring southern Taiwan’s great science and space museums, and recorded a short message on U.S.-Taiwan space cooperation in Taiwanese. Let’s take a look!
Fantastic! Feel impressive by the Taiwanese presentation. Your… 更多 Taiwanese is even better than mine!! 😆😆😆😆 |