Month: 2021-06

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時間:2021-06-04 08:01
《還有在美僑胞的支持協助!》 美國啟動第一波二千五百萬劑疫苗捐贈計畫,第一批疫苗會有700萬劑到亞洲國家,不論台灣能分到多少劑,感謝我國的友邦和友人,在台灣缺乏疫苗的時刻,可以即時援助。 美國在台協會 AIT
#Thanks #USA
#立法委員蔡適應 The U.S. announced the proposed allocation plan for the first 25… 更多 Million doses. Based on the framework above and pending legal and regulatory approvals, the United States plans to send our first tranche of 25 million doses: Approximately 7 million for Asia to the following countries and entities: India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Maldives, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Laos, Papua New Guinea, Taiwan, and the Pacific Islands.