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705629016187552 時間:2014-10-13 09:36 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年10月13日上午1:36 · 近代書畫名品展【民國 陳樹人 楷書】(陳列室:105) Current Exhibit:【Regular Script】(Gallery: 105) Famous Works of Modern Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Chen Shuren (1884-1948), Republican period Hanging scroll, ink on paper, 131 x… 更多 31 cm 展期(Dates):2014/08/01~2014/10/27 策展人的話: 陳樹人(1884-1948),廣東番禺人。原名政,以字行,別署猛進,晚號安定老人。從居廉學,嘗留學日本,與高劍父、高奇峰開嶺南畫派先河。繪畫重寫生,棄仿古,有清秀明麗之氣。 此幅作於民國卅六年(1947),上款為其夫人居若文(居廉之孫女)。運筆中鋒厚重,筆筆不相連。右出之筆畫多短,似未到位,結體刻意樸拙。陳氏雖不以書名,卻頗具個人面目。 Chen Shuren was originally named Zheng and went by his style name Shuren. His alternate name was Mengjin, and his late sobriquet was Anding laoren. A native of Panyu in Guangdong, he learned painting from Ju Lian and studied art in Japan, becoming one of the pioneers… 更多 圖片
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