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1553129844853428 時間:2020-05-02 14:04 #衛福編編報報 #英文版 ❗Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (Taiwan CDC) confirms 3 more imported COVID-19 cases❗ ⏲2020.05.02 Of 432 confirmed cases in Taiwan, 346 are imported and 55 are locally acquired while 31 are… 更多 Navy crews aboard the Panshi Fast Combat Support Ship. Of the confirmed cases, there have been 6 deaths, and 324 patients have been released from isolation, with the remainder remaining hospitalized in isolation. #TaiwanCanHelp #TaiwanIsHelping #2019nCoV #COVID19 #MOHW_Taiwan |
就當是提醒,也可以堵一些民代的髒嘴,什麼台灣鎖國,害得經濟蕭條,讓大家沒錢賺,氣噗噗要求開放邊境,防疫和經濟本來就難兼顧… 更多,所以指揮中心也幫忙業配農產品,冒然開放管制,對台灣的傷害,大家都承受不起,請配合指揮中心的呼籲。 |