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3770064399708019 時間:2021-04-13 09:00 🔧兵整中心翻修廠戮力修製工作 順利完成交車作業👍 後勤維保是部隊順利執行戰訓本務的重要關鍵,兵整中心裝配翻修廠官兵戮力完成M110A2自走砲車各項修製作業,並完成道路測試合格後,如期實施交車任務,確維部隊戰力💪 Track vehicle Overhaul is the key to success for the Army Sustainment Operations. Mechanics of the Army… 更多 Ordnance Readiness & Development Center(ORDC) successfully conducted M110A2 SPH repair and maintenance tasks at the depot level. This will greatly improve readiness of the Army Field Artillery(FA) units. #GoOrdnance #Ready2Fight #兵整中心 #美麗家園由我守護 |
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