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1249914985092283 時間:2017-02-17 09:04 |
#中國人最懂教育 |
1257265037690611 時間:2017-02-23 17:47 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2017年2月23日上午9:47 · 乾隆25年,清朝正式將新疆和闐納入版圖,隨著開採日盛,和闐玉料也源源不絕地輸入中原,將中國玉器的發展推向空前繁榮的景況。但或許是看了太多超高質感的無瑕美玉,乾隆皇帝反而開始對一些青綠雜有褐斑的玉料感到興趣,認為這些玉材上的青、褐等色澤,就像是土地與歲月的精華,而古玉的沁色更是彌足珍貴;像是今天介紹的這件【褐玉仿古人面紋圭】,便是以「和闐漢玉」為材料而製成的仿古玉器喔! The year 1760 marked… 更多 the beginning of the thriving jade development of the Qing dynasty when Khotan, where most of jade materials had originated since the remotest past, became incorporated into China’s territory. Mountain quarrying also began at Khotan, so jade materials flooded in. Jade carving reached unprecedented height. Too much perfection, however, perhaps bored His Majesty. Emperor Qoanlong preferred instead some archaic-looking green jades with brown flecks because such materials had been… 更多 圖片
中國人真是了不起。 |