Month: 2020-01

文章 留言
時間:2020-01-30 16:57
【對抗武漢肺炎😷 防疫全面啟動💪】 📌為防範武漢肺炎疫情,本處即日起對進入參觀之遊客全面實施體溫量測。
📌參觀之遊客經額溫量測若達37.5°C 以上,本處將婉拒其進入參觀,並建議儘速就醫檢查。 To prevent the outbreak of Wuhan pneumonia, the CKSMH will begin to implement a temperature measurement from now… 更多 on for tourists who enter the hall. Visitors whose forehead temperatures are measured up to 37.5 degrees Celsius will be refused entry and suggested seeking immediate medical attention. #保持鎮定
It sounds like an excellent plan