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2706545476043202 時間:2019-07-29 12:00 #國防大學 #軍事英文朗讀驗收 本校日前辦理108年7月份軍事學院英文朗讀驗收,由戰爭學院副院長樊上校主持,以「與壓力為友」內容為主題,希冀藉由朗讀各類優良文章,逐步提升學員英文能力,文章如下: Now listen up, because this study could also save a life. This study tracked about 1,000 adults in the United… 更多 States, and they ranged in age from 34 to 93, and they started the study by asking, "How much stress have you experienced in the last year?" They also asked, "How much time have you spent helping out friends, neighbors, people in your community?" And then they used public records for the next five years to find out who died. For every major stressful life experience, like financial difficulties or family crisis, that increased the risk of dying by 30 percent. But -- and I hope you are… 更多 |
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