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2915880238501122 時間:2020-05-25 09:30 🏆️【第16屆全國身心障礙者技能競賽】🏆️ 📣6/3~6/6於新北市私立莊敬高級工業家事職業學校正式登場!! 🔹本次競賽共計舉辦26職類: 籐藝、家具木工、電腦程式設計、網頁設計、CAD機械設計製圖、電腦軟體應用、資料庫建置、陶藝、繪畫、基礎女裝、男裝、工業電子、珠寶金銀細工、攝影、海報設計、編輯排版、蛋糕裝飾、電腦組裝、平面木雕、自行車組裝、西餐烹調、進階女裝、麵包製作、電腦輔助立體製圖、花藝、電腦中文輸入。… 更多 From Jun. 3th to Jun. 6th, 2020 The 16th National Skills Competition for the Disabled will be held in Juang Jing Vocational High School. There are 26 contest categories: Basket Making, Cabinet Making, Computer Programming, Creating Web Pages, CAD, Word Processing, Industrial Design, Computer Software Application, Data Processing-Advanced Course, Pottery, Painting, Dress Making-Basic Course, Tailoring, Electronic Assembly, Jewelry, Photography, Poster Design, Desktop Publishing, Bakery (Cake), Computer Assembly, Wood Carving, Bicycle Assembly, Cooking, Dress Making - Advanced Course, Bakery, CAD-3D, Floral Arrangement, Chinese Text Processing. ✨更多資訊請上:👉️ https://www.wdasec.gov.tw/ #第16屆全國身心障礙者技能競賽 |
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