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1789438677993624 時間:2016-10-16 15:30 Part 3:2016年青年國際參與及關懷研討會-「撼動世界的網路社群新世代能量」: Part 3: 2016 Youth Global Participation and Humanitarianism Seminar - Youth Issue Points and Initiatives on the Responsible Use of Social Media 一、青年透過教育的力量來適當使用社群媒體… 更多 Youth dependence on proper education regarding the proper usage of social media 二、青年有責任打擊網路暴力、霸凌以及詐騙 Youth responsibility towards eradicating cyber-violence, bullying and fraud 三、青年意識到社群媒體的使用、社群媒體上的行為,以及個人隱私的喪失都是因為我們生活在一個在緊密連結的世界中 The youth are aware that the usage of social media, what we do in social media as well as the lack of privacy come from the interconnected world 四、青年在使用社群媒體時學習管理自我隱私權 Youth’s usage of social media and how they manage their privacy 五、青年與政府在社群媒體議題方面交流互動 Youth’s interaction with the government in regards to social media 六、青年意識到自我角色以及社群媒體文化如何影響他們 The social media culture, youth’s role and how it affects them |
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