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854524687964650 時間:2015-08-07 14:38 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2015年8月7日上午6:38 · (2015/08/08)故宮週末夜表演團體:身聲劇場 (Sun Son Theatre)… 更多 身聲劇場探索身體、聲音的初始力量,發展出以肢體、音樂為主軸的劇場美學與表演風格;以自由的身體舞動、擊鼓,將大自然韻律融於打擊樂之中,以喜悅與躍動的能量,釋放觀眾的全身細胞!1998年起,在劇場、倉庫、街頭、廣場等各種空間場域,透過團員們的親和力與肢體的震憾力引發廣大地迴響。曾在巴西、塞內加爾國際藝術節以最少人數團體,展現震懾全場的驚人魅力,將台灣土地人文的多元活潑與生命力,以世界一村的意象創意呈現,熱情地於海內外交流分享。 Sun Son Theatre was founded since 1998 as a unique musical and physical theatre in Taiwan, which explores the fundamental and unlimited strength of the body physical and vocal capacity. Over the years, the theatre has develops its unique theatrical performing style that has successfully synchronizes the combination of physical movements with vocals and hymn. On top of that, very often, the theatre also introduces the richness of repertoires with musical instruments, puppets, masks, as well as multimedia technology to deliver their performance. 圖片
@{Ronald Tseng|ronald.tseng.35} 這個 |