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10158181406241950 時間:2020-03-29 20:52 #武漢肺炎病毒會留在物體表面數天 #影響健康 #影響生產製造到配銷 定宇想分享美國國家衛生院NIH的一份報告,文章有點小長,希望不會催你入眠! —-以下英文部分摘自美國NIH— The scientists tested the viruses on plastic, stainless steel, copper, and cardboard. ...SARS-CoV-2 remained active on… 更多 plastic and stainless steel surfaces for two to three days under the conditions in this experiment. It remained infectious for up to 24 hours on cardboard and four hours on copper. The virus was detectable in aerosols for up to three hours. These times will vary under real-world conditions, depending on factors including temperature, humidity, ventilation, and the amount of virus deposited.… 更多 |
所以會有法令或訊息要求廠商(世界各國、中國)出貨前消毒嗎?否則禁止進口? 或是消費這直接斷了網購的念頭?只能愛用台灣國貨? |
2560705904168270 時間:2020-03-30 20:38 東區服務案件時間 影片
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終於看您戴口罩了! 健康安全最重要! |