Month: 2015-07

文章 留言
時間:2015-07-04 13:09
最近真的好熱! 隨著天氣高溫炎熱,耗電量也不斷升高。除了開冷氣,您是否有節能避暑的小妙方?一起為愛護地球盡一份心力吧! 另提醒:三颱已在台灣附近形成,近日安排行程時請多注意!
1). We are in the United States, first thing we already put 13"… 更多 fiber glass insulation in the antic covered by chicken wires then Sheetrock, then make a room also have open sun roof window and 2x antic fan on, w/lighting..everything. 2). If for a hot day we will go to Santa Cruz/coast line, we had Adt burglar alarm system can set up, drove through the forest stayed about whole day, we ate brunch, shopping, see the scenery, after watch 2 movies when we back already midnight, if we are sleeping just found a parking lot took a nap, after wake up just drove back home one way 89 miles.