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928073273907520 時間:2015-11-22 12:03 有注意過在第一航廈A4及A5登機門中間的遊戲室嗎? 這裡有小朋友最愛的迪士尼人物及Hello Kitty! 大大的空間裡有溜滑梯、卡通彩繪牆面,以及隨時撥放卡通的超大電視牆, 不僅提供小朋友安全有趣的玩耍空間,還有機會認識來自各地的新朋友喔! What is there for children to play and have fun during their stay at Taoyuan… 更多 International Airport? Pay a visit to our cartoon theme play areas between gate A4 and A5 of Terminal 1. Facilities in play areas such as the slide, painting walls, and the eye-catching TV wall, are painted with the Disney characters and Hello Kitty. #Taoyuanairport #Ternimal1 #playareas #Disney #HelloKitty |
桃園機場真的很特別很用心 |