Month: 2017-08

文章 留言
時間:2017-08-31 19:43
因為有你在,讓我們更團結、更有自信、更加堅強。 這支影片,獻給每一位忍受訓練時的孤寂,受傷時的痛苦,復健時的難熬,在賽場上用專注克服壓力,用拼勁證明自己的世大運年輕選手們。 恭喜和感謝,說再多也不嫌多,但我們應該為他們做得更多。我要請大家記得這一刻的感動,不分運動項目,不論得牌與否,一定要持續關注這群創造奇蹟的台灣新生代。 #台灣英雄
Taipei 2017 Universiade - 世大運
It was one of the best Universiade games I have seen in years. … 更多 I actually liked it better than the Olympic games. It was filled with real sportsmanship and friendship by all athletes and people of hosting city Taipei! I am sure more people from around the grove will visit Taiwan after this great game..😊