文章 | 留言 |
2843263259096154 時間:2020-04-21 18:00 僑外學生申請工作許可 不用再等!等!等! 勞動部推動電子送達新措施,線上通知領件無時差㊝ 只要在線上申請時約定「同意」電子送達, 線上領件便利又快速~ 還可享有工作許可資訊行動可攜的加值服務㊝ 更多資訊請至申辦網查詢: https://ezwp.wda.gov.tw #work permit # overseas Chinese or foreign student # electronic documents … 更多 # work permit on mobile devices. To save the time on processing, the Ministry of Labor had begun the electronic service of the work permit documents. The work permit issued could be sent in electronic official document with your consent when you file the application. It is more convenient and faster.Feel free to choose this method of picking up your work permit. |
img:https://scontent-tpe1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.1997-6/47614232_1846683475430536_3135922765756891136_n.png?stp=cp0_dst-png_s110x80&_nc_cat=1&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=ac3552&_nc_ohc=Jv0UOT7Lf_UAX-_gSzI&_nc_ht=scontent-tpe1-1.xx&oh=00_AT8K_HzFczBfwufQ0CX-C6_2MNmh57M75RWLep5WBgE9cg&oe=6248D1E3 |