文章 | 留言 |
2466356766783308 時間:2019-06-19 14:39 那也要你當選啊d(d'∀') #郭台銘 #行政院長 #條件 |
What an old fashion mind of Terry Kuo!!! I will worry about my… 更多 staff if they have too many overtime works. I don't care about the overtime compensation. I will worry if they have a good work-life balance. Working smartly is better than working longer. |
2474196015999383 時間:2019-06-23 10:46 不只要擔心天會下雷雨、地上有破洞,以後經過橋下,還要注意是否「天降甘霖」而釀禍? #德國 #柏林 #小便 |
Alien? |