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1705536042869573 時間:2018-05-16 03:26 漢堡港每年5月份配合建港週年慶施放煙火,搭配郵輪服用無人能敵!(2018尚未見精美空拍版,請先參閱2016) https://youtu.be/4ENT5u6QtPk |
會不會是還沒到它們進出遊輪的尖峰時間(6到10月,特別好像10月有遊輪節活動),為了節省成本暫時不用? |
1705565919533252 時間:2018-05-16 12:00 以德國市場為主軸的TUI Cruises 全新旗艦郵輪Mein Schiff 1於5月11日配合漢堡829週年港慶舉辦下水典禮。 華麗煙火及貨櫃橋式機一起助陣超震撼! #只想看煙火可快轉至2分36秒 #德國市場就是TUI跟AIDA的天下 #MeinSchiff就是英文MyShip真好不用花太多時間在命名 #… 更多影片中橫條紋衣服那兩位不是路人是受邀擔任教母的奧運沙灘排球冠軍選手KiraWalkenhorst和LauraLudwig https://youtu.be/SoJbVcRM87I Mein Schiff 1, the new flagship of TUI Cruises was christened on May 11, during the 829th anniversary of Hamberg Port! Kira Walkenhorst and Laura Ludwig, two of Germany’s Olympic and World Champion beach volleyball players, are godmothers of the ship and shows in the film as well. The fireworks backgrounded by the container gantry cranes were stunning! |
途易可是有6條都叫mein Schiff 的呢。 |
1722410237848820 時間:2018-05-31 20:30 #DiamondPrincess補給篇謎底揭曉 公主遊輪一早卸下舊的被服丟棄,並從從海外買了新的一批被服用貨櫃轉口到船邊裝船。因為是一箱一箱散裝,開櫃後直接用行李籠車取代棧板,還可省掉包膜的成本,很聰明的做法! The disposal linens from Diamond Princess were laiden on the wharf in the early morning. Subsequently,… 更多 the new ones were transhipped in the containers which were demolished alongside the cruise ship. The cages originally utilized for the luggages replaced the pallets, and the cost of PE film was saved as well. What a smart idea! |
看來應是本家冠名的奢華寢具(盛世上用的),從美國或新加坡走船運來基隆換。 |