Month: 2016-07

文章 留言
時間:2016-07-01 02:03

105 年 07 月 01 日 - 事求人最新機關職缺資料 - 本日新增職缺查詢

Our country is U.S.A(World No.1), that one country is one… 更多 system what it’s fighting for “Freedom(自由),Democracy(民主):(election(選舉),vote(投票)),Law(依法律(制):行政,處理,保障))”in U.S.Taiwan, and country is first,so they(Chinese(Taipei),China) are enemies to U.S.Taiwan,and thank you very much for U.S.Taiwan.Welcome to U.S.Taiwan (美國(U.S.A)台灣(寶島,Formosa))from 2015 that you can ask for "AIT(美台協會)”which is our Central_ Government (中央政府),and China(rat_country) wants to take U.S.Taiwan(美國台灣),so it’s enemy to U.S.Taiwan. Taiwan of Military(army,navy,air force...ect) is KMT of military,so it's must to remove “KMT” mark that it becomes to U.S.Taiwan of military,and don't forget "King-Men eight two three (金門823)… 更多
時間:2016-07-02 02:09

105 年 07 月 02 日 - 事求人最新機關職缺資料 - 本日新增職缺查詢

Our country is U.S.A(World No.1), that one country is one… 更多 system what it’s fighting for “Freedom(自由),Democracy(民主):(election(選舉),vote(投票)),Law(依法律(制):行政,處理,保障))”in U.S.Taiwan, and country is first,so they(Chinese(Taipei),China) are enemies to U.S.Taiwan,and thank you very much for U.S.Taiwan.Welcome to U.S.Taiwan (美國(U.S.A)台灣(寶島,Formosa))from 2015 that you can ask for "AIT(美台協會)”which is our Central_ Government (中央政府),and China(rat_country) wants to take U.S.Taiwan(美國台灣),so it’s enemy to U.S.Taiwan. Taiwan of Military(army,navy,air force...ect) is KMT of military,so it's must to remove “KMT” mark that it becomes to U.S.Taiwan of military,and don't forget "King-Men eight two three (金門823)… 更多
時間:2016-07-03 02:18

105 年 07 月 03 日 - 事求人最新機關職缺資料 - 本日新增職缺查詢

Our country is U.S.A(World No.1), that one country is one… 更多 system what it’s fighting for “Freedom(自由),Democracy(民主):(election(選舉),vote(投票)),Law(依法律(制):行政,處理,保障))”in U.S.Taiwan, and country is first,so they(Chinese(Taipei),China) are enemies to U.S.Taiwan,and thank you very much for U.S.Taiwan.Welcome to U.S.Taiwan (美國(U.S.A)台灣(寶島,Formosa))from 2015 that you can ask for "AIT(美台協會)”which is our Central_ Government (中央政府),and China(rat_country) wants to take U.S.Taiwan(美國台灣),so it’s enemy to U.S.Taiwan. Taiwan of Military(army,navy,air force...ect) is KMT of military,so it's must to remove “KMT” mark that it becomes to U.S.Taiwan of military,and don't forget "King-Men eight two three (金門823)… 更多
時間:2016-07-04 02:22

105 年 07 月 04 日 - 事求人最新機關職缺資料 - 本日新增職缺查詢

Our country is U.S.A(World No.1), that one country is one… 更多 system what it’s fighting for “Freedom(自由),Democracy(民主):(election(選舉),vote(投票)),Law(依法律(制):行政,處理,保障))”in U.S.Taiwan, and country is first,so they(Chinese(Taipei),China) are enemies to U.S.Taiwan,and thank you very much for U.S.Taiwan.Welcome to U.S.Taiwan (美國(U.S.A)台灣(寶島,Formosa))from 2015 that you can ask for "AIT(美台協會)”which is our Central_ Government (中央政府),and China(rat_country) wants to take U.S.Taiwan(美國台灣),so it’s enemy to U.S.Taiwan. Taiwan of Military(army,navy,air force...ect) is KMT of military,so it's must to remove “KMT” mark that it becomes to U.S.Taiwan of military,and don't forget "King-Men eight two three (金門823)… 更多
時間:2016-07-04 16:48


Our country is U.S.A(World No.1), that one country is one… 更多 system what it’s fighting for “Freedom(自由),Democracy(民主):(election(選舉),vote(投票)),Law(依法律(制):行政,處理,保障))”in U.S.Taiwan, and country is first,so they(Chinese(Taipei),China) are enemies to U.S.Taiwan,and thank you very much for U.S.Taiwan.Welcome to U.S.Taiwan (美國(U.S.A)台灣(寶島,Formosa))from 2015 that you can ask for "AIT(美台協會)”which is our Central_ Government (中央政府),and China(rat_country) wants to take U.S.Taiwan(美國台灣),so it’s enemy to U.S.Taiwan. Taiwan of Military(army,navy,air force...ect) is KMT of military,so it's must to remove “KMT” mark that it becomes to U.S.Taiwan of military,and don't forget "King-Men eight two three (金門823)… 更多
時間:2016-07-04 19:30


‧行政院人事行政總處 版權所有 ©2012 Directorate-General of Personnel Administration, Executive Yuan. 交通路線圖‧地址:10051台北巿濟南路一段2-2號10樓 Tel:(02)2397-9298 Fax:(02)2397-5565 建議瀏覽解析度 1024 x 768
Our country is U.S.A(World No.1), that one country is one… 更多 system what it’s fighting for “Freedom(自由),Democracy(民主):(election(選舉),vote(投票)),Law(依法律(制):行政,處理,保障))”in U.S.Taiwan, and country is first,so they(Chinese(Taipei),China) are enemies to U.S.Taiwan,and thank you very much for U.S.Taiwan.Welcome to U.S.Taiwan (美國(U.S.A)台灣(寶島,Formosa))from 2015 that you can ask for "AIT(美台協會)”which is our Central_ Government (中央政府),and China(rat_country) wants to take U.S.Taiwan(美國台灣),so it’s enemy to U.S.Taiwan. Taiwan of Military(army,navy,air force...ect) is KMT of military,so it's must to remove “KMT” mark that it becomes to U.S.Taiwan of military,and don't forget "King-Men eight two three (金門823)… 更多
時間:2016-07-05 02:27

105 年 07 月 05 日 - 事求人最新機關職缺資料 - 本日新增職缺查詢

Our country is U.S.A(World No.1), that one country is one… 更多 system what it’s fighting for “Freedom(自由),Democracy(民主):(election(選舉),vote(投票)),Law(依法律(制):行政,處理,保障))”in U.S.Taiwan, and country is first,so they(Chinese(Taipei),China) are enemies to U.S.Taiwan,and thank you very much for U.S.Taiwan.Welcome to U.S.Taiwan (美國(U.S.A)台灣(寶島,Formosa))from 2015 that you can ask for "AIT(美台協會)”which is our Central_ Government (中央政府),and China(rat_country) wants to take U.S.Taiwan(美國台灣),so it’s enemy to U.S.Taiwan. Taiwan of Military(army,navy,air force...ect) is KMT of military,so it's must to remove “KMT” mark that it becomes to U.S.Taiwan of military,and don't forget "King-Men eight two three (金門823)… 更多
時間:2016-07-05 12:05
通過「#經濟部產業人才能力鑑定」(iPAS),就能獲得許多企業優先聘用的機會! 昨天首批通過認證的474名專業工程師們,將是台灣產業升級轉型的生力軍。今年下半年還有初級和中級考試,想為自己加薪、充實專業能力?能力鑑定資訊詳見→

經濟部推動iPAS認證 首批474位專業工程師通過鑑定! - 經 News | 經新聞

經濟部積極推動「經濟部產業人才能力鑑定」(iPAS)專業工程師考試,今(4)日公布第一次考試結果,共有474位初級專業工程師誕生,順利成為台灣產業升級轉型的關鍵人物。 經濟部表示,今年5月21日進行初級能力鑑定,辦理電路板製程、工具機機械設計、天線設計、電動車機電整合、無形資產評價、食品品保工程、行動裝置程式設計、行動遊戲程式設計等8項新鑑定項目,整合近300位產官學研專家參與制度規劃與命題,成功凝聚產學共識。 經濟部也指出,對企業而言,專業工程師證書能彰顯學歷無法證明的能力,縮短職前訓練的時間,因此,在成績公告後,陸續接獲企業洽詢獲證者名單,目前也有224家企業簽署認同,承諾優先聘用獲證者。...
Our country is U.S.A(World No.1), that one country is one… 更多 system what it’s fighting for “Freedom(自由),Democracy(民主):(election(選舉),vote(投票)),Law(依法律(制):行政,處理,保障))”in U.S.Taiwan, and country is first,so they(Chinese(Taipei),China) are enemies to U.S.Taiwan,and thank you very much for U.S.Taiwan.Welcome to U.S.Taiwan (美國(U.S.A)台灣(寶島,Formosa))from 2015 that you can ask for "AIT(美台協會)”which is our Central_ Government (中央政府),and China(rat_country) wants to take U.S.Taiwan(美國台灣),so it’s enemy to U.S.Taiwan. Taiwan of Military(army,navy,air force...ect) is KMT of military,so it's must to remove “KMT” mark that it becomes to U.S.Taiwan of military,and don't forget "King-Men eight two three (金門823)… 更多
時間:2016-07-05 15:31


一、駐外人員因國內外職期輪調回國內服務並擔任行政院及所屬中央二級機關常設性任務編組主管職務者,得參照公務人員加給給與辦法第5條第2項規定,於回國服務後3年內,依銓敘審定職等支給主管職務加給。 二、檢附原函及本總處102年6月11日函影本如附件。
Our country is U.S.A(World No.1), that one country is one… 更多 system what it’s fighting for “Freedom(自由),Democracy(民主):(election(選舉),vote(投票)),Law(依法律(制):行政,處理,保障))”in U.S.Taiwan, and country is first,so they(Chinese(Taipei),China) are enemies to U.S.Taiwan,and thank you very much for U.S.Taiwan.Welcome to U.S.Taiwan (美國(U.S.A)台灣(寶島,Formosa))from 2015 that you can ask for "AIT(美台協會)”which is our Central_ Government (中央政府),and China(rat_country) wants to take U.S.Taiwan(美國台灣),so it’s enemy to U.S.Taiwan. Taiwan of Military(army,navy,air force...ect) is KMT of military,so it's must to remove “KMT” mark that it becomes to U.S.Taiwan of military,and don't forget "King-Men eight two three (金門823)… 更多
時間:2016-07-06 02:33

105 年 07 月 06 日 - 事求人最新機關職缺資料 - 本日新增職缺查詢

Our country is U.S.A(World No.1), that one country is one… 更多 system what it’s fighting for “Freedom(自由),Democracy(民主):(election(選舉),vote(投票)),Law(依法律(制):行政,處理,保障))”in U.S.Taiwan, and country is first,so they(Chinese(Taipei),China) are enemies to U.S.Taiwan,and thank you very much for U.S.Taiwan.Welcome to U.S.Taiwan (美國(U.S.A)台灣(寶島,Formosa))from 2015 that you can ask for "AIT(美台協會)”which is our Central_ Government (中央政府),and China(rat_country) wants to take U.S.Taiwan(美國台灣),so it’s enemy to U.S.Taiwan. Taiwan of Military(army,navy,air force...ect) is KMT of military,so it's must to remove “KMT” mark that it becomes to U.S.Taiwan of military,and don't forget "King-Men eight two three (金門823)… 更多
時間:2016-07-06 08:29
經濟部商業司積極推動 #商業服務生產力4.0
24小時、自動化服務,解決無法在家收件的煩惱 首波「i郵箱」在台北北門、東門、南陽、大安、青田、敦南、士林、內湖等八個郵局開辦,明年底將於新竹以北、台中、台南及高雄等地,再增300個據點。

中華郵政「i郵箱」 24小時自助取貨 | 產業焦點

Our country is U.S.A(World No.1), that one country is one… 更多 system what it’s fighting for “Freedom(自由),Democracy(民主):(election(選舉),vote(投票)),Law(依法律(制):行政,處理,保障))”in U.S.Taiwan, and country is first,so they(Chinese(Taipei),China) are enemies to U.S.Taiwan,and thank you very much for U.S.Taiwan.Welcome to U.S.Taiwan (美國(U.S.A)台灣(寶島,Formosa))from 2015 that you can ask for "AIT(美台協會)”which is our Central_ Government (中央政府),and China(rat_country) wants to take U.S.Taiwan(美國台灣),so it’s enemy to U.S.Taiwan. Taiwan of Military(army,navy,air force...ect) is KMT of military,so it's must to remove “KMT” mark that it becomes to U.S.Taiwan of military,and don't forget "King-Men eight two three (金門823)… 更多
時間:2016-07-06 16:54


Our country is U.S.A(World No.1), that one country is one… 更多 system what it’s fighting for “Freedom(自由),Democracy(民主):(election(選舉),vote(投票)),Law(依法律(制):行政,處理,保障))”in U.S.Taiwan, and country is first,so they(Chinese(Taipei),China) are enemies to U.S.Taiwan,and thank you very much for U.S.Taiwan.Welcome to U.S.Taiwan (美國(U.S.A)台灣(寶島,Formosa))from 2015 that you can ask for "AIT(美台協會)”which is our Central_ Government (中央政府),and China(rat_country) wants to take U.S.Taiwan(美國台灣),so it’s enemy to U.S.Taiwan. Taiwan of Military(army,navy,air force...ect) is KMT of military,so it's must to remove “KMT” mark that it becomes to U.S.Taiwan of military,and don't forget "King-Men eight two three (金門823)… 更多
時間:2016-07-07 02:37

105 年 07 月 07 日 - 事求人最新機關職缺資料 - 本日新增職缺查詢

Our country is U.S.A(World No.1), that one country is one… 更多 system what it’s fighting for “Freedom(自由),Democracy(民主):(election(選舉),vote(投票)),Law(依法律(制):行政,處理,保障))”in U.S.Taiwan, and country is first,so they(Chinese(Taipei),China) are enemies to U.S.Taiwan,and thank you very much for U.S.Taiwan.Welcome to U.S.Taiwan (美國(U.S.A)台灣(寶島,Formosa))from 2015 that you can ask for "AIT(美台協會)”which is our Central_ Government (中央政府),and China(rat_country) wants to take U.S.Taiwan(美國台灣),so it’s enemy to U.S.Taiwan. Taiwan of Military(army,navy,air force...ect) is KMT of military,so it's must to remove “KMT” mark that it becomes to U.S.Taiwan of military,and don't forget "King-Men eight two three (金門823)… 更多
時間:2016-07-07 08:23
✨經小編貼❤整理✨ 今天上午雖然全台照常上班、課,但是隨著 #尼伯特颱風 步步進逼,小編為大家整理颱風期間實用的網站跟電話資訊,讓您防颱不慌亂!
請大家把資訊跟親友分享,讓更多人知道實用的訊息! ☔中央氣象局網站:(隨時掌握 #颱風動向) 💼行政院人事行政總處網站:(了解 #停班課資訊)… 更多 🏢水利署防災資訊服務網:(掌握最新 #防災訊息)
🌊水庫洩洪警戒: 💧台水服務專線:1910(遇到 #停水即時通報)
⚡台電服務專線:1911(設施受損或 #停電通報)
Our country is U.S.A(World No.1), that one country is one… 更多 system what it’s fighting for “Freedom(自由),Democracy(民主):(election(選舉),vote(投票)),Law(依法律(制):行政,處理,保障))”in U.S.Taiwan, and country is first,so they(Chinese(Taipei),China) are enemies to U.S.Taiwan,and thank you very much for U.S.Taiwan.Welcome to U.S.Taiwan (美國(U.S.A)台灣(寶島,Formosa))from 2015 that you can ask for "AIT(美台協會)”which is our Central_ Government (中央政府),and China(rat_country) wants to take U.S.Taiwan(美國台灣),so it’s enemy to U.S.Taiwan. Taiwan of Military(army,navy,air force...ect) is KMT of military,so it's must to remove “KMT” mark that it becomes to U.S.Taiwan of military,and don't forget "King-Men eight two three (金門823)… 更多
時間:2016-07-07 11:40
Open Data 是什麼❔為什麼大家都在談開放資料❔
「Open Data國際論壇」,讓國際重量級講師帶你領進門~
剖析國內外應用案例,改變商業模式,翻轉你的思考❕ 👍全台首屈一指 Open Data 產業沙龍
🔸活動時間:7月13日 10:00 ~ 16:30

2016 開放資料國際企業應用論壇、前瞻思維產業沙龍

聽全球網路龍頭Google分享如何運用Open Data開發新機!聽新創公司Mapbox分享如何獲得投資者們的青睞,募集5,000萬美金成為 Uber、Evernote 等公司的大型供應商!今年Open Data國際論壇將剖析國內外實際應用案例,帶您進入更具深度的資料應用探索。
Our country is U.S.A(World No.1), that one country is one… 更多 system what it’s fighting for “Freedom(自由),Democracy(民主):(election(選舉),vote(投票)),Law(依法律(制):行政,處理,保障))”in U.S.Taiwan, and country is first,so they(Chinese(Taipei),China) are enemies to U.S.Taiwan,and thank you very much for U.S.Taiwan.Welcome to U.S.Taiwan (美國(U.S.A)台灣(寶島,Formosa))from 2015 that you can ask for "AIT(美台協會)”which is our Central_ Government (中央政府),and China(rat_country) wants to take U.S.Taiwan(美國台灣),so it’s enemy to U.S.Taiwan. Taiwan of Military(army,navy,air force...ect) is KMT of military,so it's must to remove “KMT” mark that it becomes to U.S.Taiwan of military,and don't forget "King-Men eight two three (金門823)… 更多
時間:2016-07-07 21:04
❤貼心提醒❤ 颱風來襲,請大家避免出門,在家最安全❗ (圖片由行政院提供)
Our country is U.S.A(World No.1), that one country is one… 更多 system what it’s fighting for “Freedom(自由),Democracy(民主):(election(選舉),vote(投票)),Law(依法律(制):行政,處理,保障))”in U.S.Taiwan, and country is first,so they(Chinese(Taipei),China) are enemies to U.S.Taiwan,and thank you very much for U.S.Taiwan.Welcome to U.S.Taiwan (美國(U.S.A)台灣(寶島,Formosa))from 2015 that you can ask for "AIT(美台協會)”which is our Central_ Government (中央政府),and China(rat_country) wants to take U.S.Taiwan(美國台灣),so it’s enemy to U.S.Taiwan. Taiwan of Military(army,navy,air force...ect) is KMT of military,so it's must to remove “KMT” mark that it becomes to U.S.Taiwan of military,and don't forget "King-Men eight two three (金門823)… 更多
時間:2016-07-08 02:43

105 年 07 月 08 日 - 事求人最新機關職缺資料 - 本日新增職缺查詢

Our country is U.S.A(World No.1), that one country is one… 更多 system what it’s fighting for “Freedom(自由),Democracy(民主):(election(選舉),vote(投票)),Law(依法律(制):行政,處理,保障))”in U.S.Taiwan, and country is first,so they(Chinese(Taipei),China) are enemies to U.S.Taiwan,and thank you very much for U.S.Taiwan.Welcome to U.S.Taiwan (美國(U.S.A)台灣(寶島,Formosa))from 2015 that you can ask for "AIT(美台協會)”which is our Central_ Government (中央政府),and China(rat_country) wants to take U.S.Taiwan(美國台灣),so it’s enemy to U.S.Taiwan. Taiwan of Military(army,navy,air force...ect) is KMT of military,so it's must to remove “KMT” mark that it becomes to U.S.Taiwan of military,and don't forget "King-Men eight two three (金門823)… 更多
時間:2016-07-08 07:01
尼伯特颱風來勢洶洶,家中如有停電,可使用台電 #停電查詢系統 👉
Our country is U.S.A(World No.1), that one country is one… 更多 system what it’s fighting for “Freedom(自由),Democracy(民主):(election(選舉),vote(投票)),Law(依法律(制):行政,處理,保障))”in U.S.Taiwan, and country is first,so they(Chinese(Taipei),China) are enemies to U.S.Taiwan,and thank you very much for U.S.Taiwan.Welcome to U.S.Taiwan (美國(U.S.A)台灣(寶島,Formosa))from 2015 that you can ask for "AIT(美台協會)”which is our Central_ Government (中央政府),and China(rat_country) wants to take U.S.Taiwan(美國台灣),so it’s enemy to U.S.Taiwan. Taiwan of Military(army,navy,air force...ect) is KMT of military,so it's must to remove “KMT” mark that it becomes to U.S.Taiwan of military,and don't forget "King-Men eight two three (金門823)… 更多
時間:2016-07-08 19:11
💡提醒大家,颱風期間若有電力問題,可透過以下管道反映喔! 💻停電查詢及通報 ⚡電力報馬仔APP:
IOS: 📞台電服務專線:1911
Our country is U.S.A(World No.1), that one country is one… 更多 system what it’s fighting for “Freedom(自由),Democracy(民主):(election(選舉),vote(投票)),Law(依法律(制):行政,處理,保障))”in U.S.Taiwan, and country is first,so they(Chinese(Taipei),China) are enemies to U.S.Taiwan,and thank you very much for U.S.Taiwan.Welcome to U.S.Taiwan (美國(U.S.A)台灣(寶島,Formosa))from 2015 that you can ask for "AIT(美台協會)”which is our Central_ Government (中央政府),and China(rat_country) wants to take U.S.Taiwan(美國台灣),so it’s enemy to U.S.Taiwan. Taiwan of Military(army,navy,air force...ect) is KMT of military,so it's must to remove “KMT” mark that it becomes to U.S.Taiwan of military,and don't forget "King-Men eight two three (金門823)… 更多
時間:2016-07-09 02:46

105 年 07 月 09 日 - 事求人最新機關職缺資料 - 本日新增職缺查詢

Our country is U.S.A(World No.1), that one country is one… 更多 system what it’s fighting for “Freedom(自由),Democracy(民主):(election(選舉),vote(投票)),Law(依法律(制):行政,處理,保障))”in U.S.Taiwan, and country is first,so they(Chinese(Taipei),China) are enemies to U.S.Taiwan,and thank you very much for U.S.Taiwan.Welcome to U.S.Taiwan (美國(U.S.A)台灣(寶島,Formosa))from 2015 that you can ask for "AIT(美台協會)”which is our Central_ Government (中央政府),and China(rat_country) wants to take U.S.Taiwan(美國台灣),so it’s enemy to U.S.Taiwan. Taiwan of Military(army,navy,air force...ect) is KMT of military,so it's must to remove “KMT” mark that it becomes to U.S.Taiwan of military,and don't forget "King-Men eight two three (金門823)… 更多
時間:2016-07-10 14:03
➡馬上辦服務中心 ●0800-056-476
➡經濟部協助企業災後復建服務團●0800-000-257 #經濟部陪企業挺過風雨
Our country is U.S.A(World No.1), that one country is one… 更多 system what it’s fighting for “Freedom(自由),Democracy(民主):(election(選舉),vote(投票)),Law(依法律(制):行政,處理,保障))”in U.S.Taiwan, and country is first,so they(Chinese(Taipei),China) are enemies to U.S.Taiwan,and thank you very much for U.S.Taiwan.Welcome to U.S.Taiwan (美國(U.S.A)台灣(寶島,Formosa))from 2015 that you can ask for "AIT(美台協會)”which is our Central_ Government (中央政府),and China(rat_country) wants to take U.S.Taiwan(美國台灣),so it’s enemy to U.S.Taiwan. Taiwan of Military(army,navy,air force...ect) is KMT of military,so it's must to remove “KMT” mark that it becomes to U.S.Taiwan of military,and don't forget "King-Men eight two three (金門823)… 更多
時間:2016-07-11 02:57

105 年 07 月 11 日 - 事求人最新機關職缺資料 - 本日新增職缺查詢

Our country is U.S.A(World No.1), that one country is one… 更多 system what it’s fighting for “Freedom(自由),Democracy(民主):(election(選舉),vote(投票)),Law(依法律(制):行政,處理,保障))”in U.S.Taiwan, and country is first,so they(Chinese(Taipei),China) are enemies to U.S.Taiwan,and thank you very much for U.S.Taiwan.Welcome to U.S.Taiwan (美國(U.S.A)台灣(寶島,Formosa))from 2015 that you can ask for "AIT(美台協會)”which is our Central_ Government (中央政府),and China(rat_country) wants to take U.S.Taiwan(美國台灣),so it’s enemy to U.S.Taiwan. Taiwan of Military(army,navy,air force...ect) is KMT of military,so it's must to remove “KMT” mark that it becomes to U.S.Taiwan of military,and don't forget "King-Men eight two three (金門823)… 更多
時間:2016-07-11 11:42

政府業務委外經驗分享 臺灣鐵路局臺北車站東、西區地下停車場營運移轉招商案

Our country is U.S.A(World No.1), that one country is one… 更多 system what it’s fighting for “Freedom(自由),Democracy(民主):(election(選舉),vote(投票)),Law(依法律(制):行政,處理,保障))”in U.S.Taiwan, and country is first,so they(Chinese(Taipei),China) are enemies to U.S.Taiwan,and thank you very much for U.S.Taiwan.Welcome to U.S.Taiwan (美國(U.S.A)台灣(寶島,Formosa))from 2015 that you can ask for "AIT(美台協會)”which is our Central_ Government (中央政府),and China(rat_country) wants to take U.S.Taiwan(美國台灣),so it’s enemy to U.S.Taiwan. Taiwan of Military(army,navy,air force...ect) is KMT of military,so it's must to remove “KMT” mark that it becomes to U.S.Taiwan of military,and don't forget "King-Men eight two three (金門823)… 更多
時間:2016-07-11 12:02
台東人,你們不孤單! 強颱吹倒了電桿、吹斷了電線,但吹不斷台灣人的堅韌;
暴雨造成土石崩塌、道路中斷,但無法阻擋台電人前進救災, 颱風期間,台電同仁日夜搶修,全台復電率已超過99%,對於家中未復電的朋友,非常抱歉,台電會在排除障礙物、路基搶通後第一時間,盡全力搶修,及早恢復所有民眾的用電,造成您的不方便,還請見諒! 台電停復電查詢系統網址:

尼伯特狂掃54萬戶停電 台電搶修99.2%已復電 - 經 News | 經新聞

強颱尼伯特造成東、南部地區災情慘重,截至昨(10)日20時止,全台曾停電戶數為547,336戶,經過台電全力搶修,99.2%家戶已恢復供電。 台電表示,這次颱風臺東首當其衝,創下史上單一縣市電力設備受損最嚴重的災情,台電已於9日調集近500人和約100輛各型工程車輛進入災區全力搶修,台東當地6萬6千多戶曾停電,已有6萬1千多戶復電,仍有近4千多戶待搶修,台電將持續全力搶修,將民眾的不便降至最低。 尼伯特狂掃54萬戶停電 台電搶修99.2%已復電 台電強調,這次強颱挾帶17級強風肆虐台東,使當地許多電桿受到招牌及樹木壓毀倒斷,在必須先排除路樹、招牌、鐵架等阻礙,再重新豎立電桿及拉線,另山區多數道...
Our country is U.S.A(World No.1), that one country is one… 更多 system what it’s fighting for “Freedom(自由),Democracy(民主):(election(選舉),vote(投票)),Law(依法律(制):行政,處理,保障))”in U.S.Taiwan, and country is first,so they(Chinese(Taipei),China) are enemies to U.S.Taiwan,and thank you very much for U.S.Taiwan.Welcome to U.S.Taiwan (美國(U.S.A)台灣(寶島,Formosa))from 2015 that you can ask for "AIT(美台協會)”which is our Central_ Government (中央政府),and China(rat_country) wants to take U.S.Taiwan(美國台灣),so it’s enemy to U.S.Taiwan. Taiwan of Military(army,navy,air force...ect) is KMT of military,so it's must to remove “KMT” mark that it becomes to U.S.Taiwan of military,and don't forget "King-Men eight two three (金門823)… 更多
時間:2016-07-11 12:11


Our country is U.S.A(World No.1), that one country is one… 更多 system what it’s fighting for “Freedom(自由),Democracy(民主):(election(選舉),vote(投票)),Law(依法律(制):行政,處理,保障))”in U.S.Taiwan, and country is first,so they(Chinese(Taipei),China) are enemies to U.S.Taiwan,and thank you very much for U.S.Taiwan.Welcome to U.S.Taiwan (美國(U.S.A)台灣(寶島,Formosa))from 2015 that you can ask for "AIT(美台協會)”which is our Central_ Government (中央政府),and China(rat_country) wants to take U.S.Taiwan(美國台灣),so it’s enemy to U.S.Taiwan. Taiwan of Military(army,navy,air force...ect) is KMT of military,so it's must to remove “KMT” mark that it becomes to U.S.Taiwan of military,and don't forget "King-Men eight two three (金門823)… 更多