Month: 2022-01

文章 留言
時間:2022-01-17 20:00
🔥號外號外!全球華文網「臺灣華語文學習中心」網站上線囉! 僑委會為了向海外主流社會人士推廣正體字華語文,2021年協助歐美地區計18所僑校成立「#臺灣華語文學習中心」,並搭配全新推出英中資訊專頁,便利海外使用者查詢學習中心、華語文教材等相關資訊,歡迎多加瀏覽參考!
快跟著粉絲團新角色「Wendy Hu」胡文文一起來瞧瞧😎
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傳送門👉TaiwanCenter.Taiwan-World.Net -
🔥 English and Chinese information page goes live for TCML(Huayuworld)!
To promote traditional Chinese characters in mainstream society in European and American regions, the Overseas Community Affairs Council (OCAC) assisted 18 overseas compatriot schools to establish a Taiwan Center for Mandarin Learning (TCML) in 2021 and set up a brand new dedicated web page containing relevant information in both English and Chinese. This way, overseas users can conveniently search for TCML and teaching materials for Mandarin learning. Please visit our website for more information!
Check out TCML website with our new character Wendy Hu! 😎
Follow us on social media to check in, see what's new and stay up-to-date! 🌠 Link👉TaiwanCenter.Taiwan-World.Net #TaiwanCenterforMandarinLearning #TCML
每次都覺得僑委會 好讚!!!