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898468856903566 時間:2015-09-30 12:00 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum2015年9月30日 · 展覽預告:天保九如:九十年來新增文物選粹特展 Coming Exhibit: 90 Years of Collecting: a Selection of Fine Works of Art Acquired by the National Palace Museum 日期(Dates):2015/10/06~2016/01/06 陳列室(Galleries):103, 105, 107 展覽概述:#天保九如… 更多 文物收藏的質與量,決定一座博物館的獨特內涵。國立故宮博物院原以承續清代宮廷收藏為主軸,隨著藏品數量與內容的增益擴展,不斷注入新的活力和價值,躋身世界頂尖博物館之列。為慶祝建院九十周年,本次特展將重點呈現歷年陸續入藏之器物、書畫與圖書文獻珍品。不僅包括流散海內外的清宮文物,也反映不同階段蒐訪徵集的思維旨趣,同時感念社會各界慨然捐贈,往往能夠彌補院藏主題遺闕,偶然發現享譽藝林或傳世絕罕的祕寶,更添佳話。 Exhibit info: In celebration of the 90th anniversary, the Museum is launching the special exhibition 90 Years of Collecting: A Selection of Fine Works of Art Acquired by and Donated to the National Palace Museum. The exhibition features approximately 150 sets of works among the 64,000… 更多 圖片
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