Month: 2019-04

文章 留言
時間:2019-04-26 17:48
To… 更多 promote Taiwan’s inter-parliamentary diplomacy, Legislator Shih-Ying Tsai Office hosted the inauguration of the Taiwan-Belize Inter-parliamentary Amity Association on April 24th. Minister Hsin-Hsing Wu of Overseas Community Affairs Council (OCAC) was also invited. Legislator Shih-Ying Tsai, Secretary General Jih-Jia Lin of the Legislative Yuan, the Hon. Lee Mark Chang, President of the Senate of Belize, Senior Advisor Hsiung-Fu Tseng of OCAC and his wife, several officials of the Belize government, the CEO of the I-Mei Foods Ltd., and several legislators attended the grand event altogether. In the inauguration, Legislator Tsai was elected as the chairman of the association, and Legislator Yi-Chieh Chen was elected as the vice chairwoman. After exchanging the souvenirs and all attendees taking a group photo as a memento, the grand event had a successful close. 臺灣與貝里斯國會友好協會成立大會