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884354671617749 時間:2015-11-30 18:16 國立台灣美術館新增了 1 張相片。2015年11月30日下午6:16 · 【2015亞洲藝術雙年展 9/19-12/6】 〈海市蜃樓:台灣閒置公共設施攝影計畫〉調查全台蚊子館,在2010-2014年間共出版了四集,揭露超過四百處案例。勾勒台灣社會的荒謬現狀,體現出「錯誤的政策比貪污還可怕」之事實。它既是姚瑞中與其學生的集體藝術行動,也是以藝術的方式掀起社會現實問題的一角,開展全民對此議題的問題意識。 “Mirage: Disused Public Property in Taiwan”… 更多 investigated the “mosquito halls” (discussed public properties) in Taiwan. From 2010 to 2014, 4 volumes with more than 400 cases was published, which outlines an absurd situation in Taiwanese society, embodying the fact that “misguided policy is worse than corruption.” The significance and value of this “participation” lie in the fact that it is both a collective action by Yao Jui Chung and his students, and in that it used artistic methods to hold up a social issue to scrutiny and engage the awareness of the people in regards to that issue. 姚瑞中+失落社會檔案室 YAO Jui-Chung + Lost Society Document 〈海市蜃樓:台灣閒置公共設施攝影計畫〉Mirage: Disused Public Property in Taiwan 2010-2014 複合媒材裝置 mixed media installation 尺寸依展出場地而異dimension variable 作品提供:藝術家 Courtesy of the artist 圖片
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