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2970294129905275 時間:2021-10-17 13:00 🌄你挑戰過 #臺灣第一高峰 嗎? 沿途除了體驗臺灣好風光,行前定要備齊完善裝備,也要評估自身體能狀態注意安全喔! 來看看 #國際行動解說員 以英文介紹玉山國家公園吧! 🔗 https://reurl.cc/XeYkY3 ---------------------------------------------------- 🌄The Highest Peak in Taiwan Have you ever… 更多 tried to climb Jade Mountain to challenge yourself? While you are experiencing the beauty of Taiwan, don't forget to pay attention to your safety, and the most important thing is: DON'T FOLLOW PEOPLE YOU DON’T KNOW!! If you do, you may get into big trouble... English Introduction to Yushan National Park 📹📖 https://reurl.cc/XeYkY3 #2030雙語國家政策 #BilingualNation2030 |
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