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1186983034683208 時間:2016-12-13 12:15 [桃園機場❤全心為您] 桃園機場除了提供旅客便利設施與多元物質享受,也希望帶給大家豐富的文化薰陶~ 在各項硬體建設增修的同時,也在室內的空間置入許多公共藝術,隨處都可見遇見藝術家的用心設計,像是溫暖的泰雅族織品藝術、想像中的未來飛行器、隨風搖擺的懸吊羽翼裝飾等,還有第一航廈的證照查驗大廳,大幅挑高強調弧線空間感的設計,非常有氣勢呢! 每次出國總是匆匆忙忙嗎?不妨慢下腳步留心感受一下喔! [Taoyuan… 更多 Airport ❤Service From The Heart] In addition to the convenient services and diverse facilities, Taoyuan Airport also would like to bring the culture inspiration to every visitor! While improving the physical facilities, Taoyuan Airport incorporates public art installations into terminals as well. To give passengers more enjoyable experiences, we display art works including Atayal textile art, the imagination future aerobat and the flying wing decoration. Moreover, the regeneration of terminal 1 is another wonderful art work. The magnificent arc shaped interior design leads travelers to stop and take a snap during their journey. 影片
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