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4795681453827715 時間:2021-11-19 15:10 《鳥兒知識家 之 翠鳥好驚奇😮》 喜歡賞鳥的朋友們,應該都對翠鳥不陌生吧 但你知道, 翠鳥的頭可以轉(將近)一整圈嗎❓❓ 為了追蹤廣大水域中的獵物, 翠鳥需要遼闊的視野👀 但牠的眼珠子不像人類能靈活轉動, 於是乎,翠鳥演化出無比軟Q~的頸椎,… 更多 也就是我們在影片中看到神奇(獵奇?)的畫面啦!😲😲 💡園區備忘錄💡 ➡開車沿著鰲鼓濕地的外堤繞一圈 就能看到不少翠鳥埋伏在枝頭上等待出擊唷💥 快來濕地碰碰運氣吧~ #你所不知道的鳥兒豆知識 #翠鳥 #360度無死角 #完勝貓頭鷹 https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=2987479561501802 分享 Hong Kong Bird Research Institute 香港鳥類研究社
Kingfisher has remarkable flexible neck to rotate its head almost 360 degrees. Some literatures suggested that, similar to owls, the kingfisher has limited degree of eye rotation and therefore it use head… 更多 movement to track prey. The inability of its eyes to move much in their sockets has been compensated by their long flexible necks. Common Kingfisher<br> 13 November 2021<br> Mai Po Nature Reserve --------------------<br> #BirdRinging #BirdBanding #HKBRI #鳥類環誌 #環誌 #香港鳥類研究社 #birdresearch #birdconservation #fieldwork #米埔 #MaiPo #citizenscience #hknature #hongkongbiodiversity
img:https://scontent-tpe1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/257806382_4864976310187686_8990412924516628026_n.jpg?stp=cp0_dst-jpg_e15_p160x160_q65&_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=1480c5&_nc_ohc=mRuh3C_RlTsAX8Nw11i&_nc_ht=scontent-tpe1-1.xx&oh=00_AT_mt0mA84h8kceP7yWPl3qoQtAmt3sVsfTkIfSkpW1UGg&oe=6248407F |