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1182518055433051 時間:2020-07-15 14:23 從空中鳥瞰世界最大的貨櫃船Algeciras! 貨櫃船「Algeciras」,船長400公尺,船寬61米,可裝載貨櫃量2萬3,964TEU,該貨櫃船往來於亞洲與歐洲間各大港口,比利時安特衛普港管理單位於該船停靠期間,安排海上遊覽活動,並拍攝相關影片,以作為紀念。(精采影片請至https://www.facebook.com/portofantwerp/videos/779578842577471/)。 #航務組 分享 Port of Antwerp
Send in a water picture. Hop on a little cruise around the port of Antwerp with your social bubble. And see the biggest container ship in the world from up close. 👉 The 3 winners of our photo contest did it all. And we've got the footage. Enjoy! #HMMalgeciras
預計8/6將首航高雄港!! |