Month: 2016-11

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時間:2016-11-10 17:17
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2016年11月10日上午9:17 · 收藏界喜歡用「粗大明」來形容明代玉器的風格,的確,如果相對於普遍精緻的清代玉器而言,明代玉器確實較為不拘細節;但是,其實在明代,還有所謂的「蘇州派」玉雕,其風格既典雅又細膩,像是這件【花鳥紋桃形水盛】,造型優美,紋飾的線條流暢,光澤潤澤滑亮,可見不能一概而論啊!
  Jade collect tead to label Ming jades as “cu da Ming” (Rough and Large Ming… 更多 Jades). Some are indeed rough and large if you compare to the Qing jades which are generally highly refined. In addition to the “rough and large” kind, however, there also existed in the Ming dynasty a Suzhou school of carving which featured classical refinement, such as the jade peach-shaped water dist with flower-and-bird pattern. Its elegant shape, fluid lines, and sleek luster all attest to the diversity in Ming styles.
敬天格物-中國歷代玉器展(北部院區)… 更多