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1868671683216607 時間:2018-09-10 18:00 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2018年9月10日上午10:00 · #金牛座 #永樂皇帝 永樂皇帝曾說:「朕朝夕所用中國瓷器,潔素瑩然,甚適於心,不必此也」可見永樂皇帝對白瓷的慣用和喜愛,這些合於永樂皇帝心意的瓷器,經過了六百年歲月,留存至今。小編不知道永樂皇帝的個性是否如金牛座般恬靜與內斂,但他所喜愛的這些內斂又溫潤的白瓷,充分展現了永樂時期的工藝成就。 【明 永樂 甜白玉壺春瓶/Yuhuchun vase in sweet-white glaze】 Ming dynasty,… 更多 Yongle reign (1403-1424) Height 31.6 cm, rim diametre 8.9 cm, base diameter 10 cm **************************************** “Pure and lustrous, indeed pleasing to the heart” is how the Yongle emperor praised his own porcelain that he loved so much. Emperor Chengzu, the third ruler of the Ming dynasty with the personal name Zhu Di, took Yongle as his reign name, by which he is commonly known. During the twenty-two years of the Yongle reign (1403-1424), the Ming dynasty witnessed major… 更多 |
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