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1403367203338554 時間:2020-11-20 12:00 【財經補給讚】台灣新創獲投專題-食品與農業科技篇 民以食為天,食農新創撐起一邊天 無論景氣好壞 食品與農業都是人類最基本的需求 儘管2020年上半年遭受新冠病毒疫情衝擊 使新創獲投金額及件數均不如去年同期 然而,在後疫情時代及食安危機頻傳下 食農領域將持續成為投資人追逐的焦點… 更多 本文將針對食農領域獲投進行分析 以下所定義的食農領域, 包含農漁業(Farming/Fishery)和食品與飲料(Food & Beverage)。 更多細節請見🧐 http://sc.piee.pw/SFJAR 【Startup Investment- Taiwan’s Farming/Food】 In 2020, under the strike of a black swan event, the New Coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic, the global investment momentum fell during the first quarter. Under the spread of the epidemic, the capital market has slowed down. How should startups leverage on their advantages and increase value under this difficult time? Although venture capital is carried out more prudently, the capital to be invested is still plentiful. How should investors adjust the strategy and invest wisely? For more information, please visit👉 http://sc.piee.pw/SFJAR |
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