
Month: 2018-05

文章ID 時間 like comment 內容
1716736245041598 2018-05-31 14:00 5 0 薰衣草森林
I have to say it’s really hard to get to Hsinshe Lavender Cottage, but that’ s also the reason why it preserved the natural beauty from many tourists. Since November, Lavender started competing its beauty… 更多 of each other, with blossom Lavender around the place, even the air had filled with the smell of lavender. Walking around Lavender Cottage, it’s hard not feeling happy and relaxing, and I realized why a friend of mine highly recommended this place for weekend. After a busy week, you just want a place for heeling, and Lavender Cottage is just the right place to go.
►Add: 台中市新社區中和村中興街20號
►Tel: 04-25931066
►Opening Hours:
10:30 - 18:30 from Monday to Friday
10:00 - 18:30 on Saturdays and Sundays
1739461536102402 2018-05-29 10:53 4 0 【經理人週末研修班】台北總校 / 新竹分校 / 台中分校招生中!
1716731995042023 2018-05-24 14:00 6 0 台灣穀堡
When was the last time we go to rice fields? Did you still remember the smell of rice? These were what came up to my mind after visiting rice castle, where preserved the history of rice and basically it… 更多 was just like a rice museum. Contrast to the impression of rice, the Rice Castle has a western design and it did look just like a castle, but then we found there were rice fields right next to the Rice Castle and that made the picture looked quite conflict but also lovely. In Rice Castle, the whole building were full of the history and progress of rice, and we also found many ingenuity design. At the end, we tried the Taiwanese traditional snack “Crispy Popped Rice Treats” and I definitely had to say that was super tasty!!!
►Add: 彰化縣埤頭鄉彰水路二段526號
►Tel: 04 892 6088
►Opening Hours:
8:00 - 17:00 from Monday to Friday
8:00 - 18:00 on Saturdays and Sundays
#老外創意生活體驗記錄 #創意生活事業
1733428960038993 2018-05-22 19:07 9 0 【2018明日城鄉×OTOP】創意城鄉巡迴主題展即將在華山文化創意園區中4B倉庫熱鬧開跑!為期五天,全臺具有創意的城鄉特色產品都在OTOP,讓民眾可至現場體驗最特別的城鄉風味。 👉生活就是設計
本次也透過居家、工作、休閒空間搭配城鄉特色產品的情境佈置,提供參觀民眾試用體驗之機會,讓你的生活充滿設計感! 👉全場優惠享不完… 更多
全場更提供多項促銷優惠,包含單筆購物滿千折百、全場滿額抽好康,另推出限時限量的一元競標、買一送一、5折商品,讓你優惠享不完。 👉城鄉體驗好好玩
本次亦與網路活動平台ACCUPASS合作,推出「創意城鄉體驗月」,想透過用實惠價格體驗到各地城鄉特色嗎?快上線登錄或至現場報名吧! 👉更多展場資訊請下載:
1716648365050386 2018-05-17 14:00 1 0 三義山板樵休閒農場
The last day in Miaoli, we went to Shan-ban-chiao Farm, where combine Miaoli famous woodcarving skills and facial mask of Chinese opera. You can see facial masks everywhere as decorations in the park.… 更多 Each Facial mask has different meanings in Chinese opera, at here, we also tried to paint our own facial masks. As long as you have some talent of art, you can make an extraordinary mask. Shan-ban-chiao Farm also offer some chalets for travelers to stay, but too bad we didn’t have enough time to stay over a night here. However, I already fell in love with the quiet and relaxing atmosphere here, so next time I’m sure I would spend more time here.
►Add: 苗栗縣三義鄉雙連潭138號
►Tel: 037-875-766
►Opening Hours: 9:00 - 18:00
#老外創意生活體驗記錄 #創意生活事業
1727719550609934 2018-05-16 16:43 2 0 【活動預告】歡迎關注 臺南‧家具產業博物館 107年5~6月活動資訊
🌹【木‧花】五月孝親月 / 打造最有心意的禮物~手作不凋零玫瑰花束。
👉活動日期:5/17(四) 線上報名表單連結 💐… 更多配合臺南市政府的2018臺南博物館日推出新品手作DIY,並特別加碼在05月 20日當天免費定時導覽三場,以感謝各位的支持。 🎊配合2018臺南博物館節博物館逛大街活動,本館在南紡夢時代06月9日~10日推出行動博物館攤車,只要粉專按讚+打卡並標記,即可參予跑跑小汽車的挑戰遊戲喔!還有許多精彩活動歡迎一起來同歡。


【活動對象】 對手作花藝有興趣之民眾 【活動時間】 5/6(日)、5/17(四) 09:30~12:30、14:00~17:00 / 兩天,共四場。 【活動地點】 臺南‧家具產業博物館(臺南市仁德區二仁路一段321號) 【人數】 12人開班,20人滿班。 【報名費用】 ....
1725937987454757 2018-05-14 13:47 6 0 一起走進部落,來趟螢火蟲之旅吧!
分享 圈谷TranGood──在白蘭部落。
▒ 新竹五峰|R'uyan白蘭部落|Kpagung螢火蟲小旅行 ▒ :: 山的輪廓 從竹東出發,沿著122縣道往上走,穿過雲霧,游過雲海,就可看見白蘭部落在前方……<br> 坐落於雲霧帶的白蘭部落,海拔約1200公尺,每分每秒,白蘭的景致總不一樣,前一秒雲霧繚繞,下一秒則豁然開朗,陽光在山稜間灑落,霧氣在山落間爬升。… 更多<br> 白蘭部落的泰雅語稱作『R’uyan』,是為定居的地方,祖先從大霸尖山遷徙到此後,發現一大片平緩且豐饒的土地,高聲大喊R’uyan,因而成為部落的名字,而R’uyan亦有鹿群很多的地方的意思。 群山環繞著部落,鄰近的比林山、大窩山是祖先們的獵場,比林山內則有壯觀的巨木群,而鳥嘴山、鵝公髻山為頗負盛名的登山路線,從部落的制高點望下,大、小霸尖山,雪山聖稜線,觀霧的榛山、檜山及樂山,一眼攬進。 ---------------------------------- 旅行日期|107/05/26-27 旅行費用|3500 $ / 人 旅行行程| |Day1(六) 集合出發—清泉部落巡禮—午餐—石頭生態步道巡禮—民宿Check-in—手作竹餐具—晚餐—夜間賞螢—民宿休息/晚安 |Day2(日) 早餐—食農體驗【自己的午餐自己採】—泰雅篝火屋【竹串烤肉體驗】—午餐【部落八菜一湯】—分享茶會—賦歸 交通方式|〖 新竹高鐵站、火車站 -- 白蘭部落 〗接駁巴士 報名表單|<br> 宣傳網站|<br> ---------------------------------- 指導單位 |<br> 雪霸國家公園管理處 輔導培力、設計 |<br> 圈谷資訊股份有限公司 主辦單位 |<br> 白蘭部落永續發展協會<br> 白蘭部落生態旅遊團隊<br> 圈谷資訊股份有限公司
1722326981149191 2018-05-11 14:00 4 1 2018 【童玩製造所childwood】 夏令營開始報名囉! 🎊
以天然木材製作充滿童趣的輪軸動力小汽車 🚗
以及會搖擺行走的可愛忠犬伯納 🐶 🐕,
還有自己動手做的特色美食 🍝 🍨 🍽,
讓您的寶貝有玩 🤹🏻♂️有吃 🍴還能與同儕培養互動的人際力喔!
📌梯次時間… 更多
第 1️⃣梯次:7/14、7/15(六、日)
第 2️⃣梯次:7/21、7/22(六、日)
第 3️⃣梯次:7/28、7/29(六、日)
📌聯絡資訊 📌黃小姐/陳小姐
電 話:(06)266-1193
傳 真:(06)266-4637
👇🏻 👇🏻 👇🏻線上表單報名連結 👇🏻 👇🏻 👇🏻
1716643781717511 2018-05-10 14:00 2 0 池上飯包文化故事館(打卡專頁)
Chihshang is a beautiful little town in Taitung city, and Chihshang also an important agriculture area in Taiwan, especially rice, so the first thing that I did when I arrived at Chihshan train… 更多 station, was straight to the lunchbox store, at that time I found a Museum call Chihshang Boxed Meal Cultural Story Museum, there is an old train, that you can look around, enjoy the old kind of train culture of Taiwan, inside the museum, the vintage design, old fashion decoration, brought me back to my parent’s generation. However I highly recommended that come to the museum, enjoy a wonderful boxed meal time.
►Add: 台東縣池上鄉忠孝路259號
►Tel: 08 986 2326
►Opening Hours: 8:00 - 21:00
#老外創意生活體驗記錄 #創意生活事業
1721743244540898 2018-05-09 21:45 1 0 週末帶媽媽去哪裡慶祝呢?
來頓 #限定午宴 及 #客製下午茶 吧! 詳情請見 🔎
1716640888384467 2018-05-04 11:27 2 0 美濃原鄉緣紙傘文化村
Meinong, where is known for the Hakka Oil-Paper Umbrella since 1970s. If you want to experience the culture of Hakka and Oil-Paper Umbrellas, there’s no other place better than Meinong. Yuan Xiang… 更多 Yuan Paper Umbrella Cultural Village is a good place for family to visit, in the village, you can see the history of Hakka culture including, lei cha, Hakka traditional food and some traditional toys that we hardly saw these days. The master taught us how to painted the oil-paper umbrella, although we were still far beyond the master, it was still a unique experience for us.
►Add: 高雄市美濃區中興路一段147號
►Tel: 07-6810888
►Opening Hours:
9:00 - 17:30 from Monday to Friday
8:30 - 18:00 on Saturdays and Sundays
#老外創意生活體驗記錄 #創意生活事業
1714634361918453 2018-05-02 10:21 3 1 【木‧花】母親節活動,溫馨開跑💕
這次 台南家具博物館 讓您運用溫暖的雙手
製作最有心意的 🌹不凋零玫瑰花束🌹
同時代表,您對母親永不凋零的愛。 這次很高興邀請到
Raenina 蕾妮娜手作藝境。不凋花/乾燥花/鮮花/手作花藝教學教室製作花束
透過專業的師資教導,使您的作品增添不一樣的個人手作風格。… 更多 有別於一般木作DIY,運用鉋花,賦予花束別具意義的生命。
#心動的你還不參加嗎? 💖活動對象
▶️對手作花藝有興趣之民眾 💖活動時間
上午場09:30~12:30、下午場14:00~17:00 💖活動地點
▶️臺南‧家具產業博物館(臺南市仁德區二仁路一段321號) 💖人數
▶️12人開班,20人滿班。 💖報名費用
▶️十人以上85折優惠1680元/人 👇👇線上報名連結👇👇…/1FAIpQLSezPg3sjqUrxn1CKG…/viewform