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1187038577981373 時間:2016-06-28 17:39 【帶你逛逛全球華文網】 去金門遊玩時除了參觀戰地坑道、閩式建築、品嚐燒餅美食外,另一項令人著迷的就是漂亮的「洋樓」了。素有「僑鄉」美名的金門,早年因南洋商業發展蓬勃,許多金門人陸續移民南洋發展事業,而在南洋經商有成的金門華僑,衣錦還鄉協助家鄉建設,金門的洋樓建築,就是在這樣的背景下興建。 讓我們跟著「全球華文網」一起到金門走走吧! Besides the battlefield tunnels, Min-style… 更多 architectures and biscuits, another enchantment of Kinmen is the beautiful “foreign architecture.” Kinmen has long been known as the hometown of many emigrants:In the early years, the vigorous growth of Nanyang region attracted many Kinmen residents to move there to develop businesses. Ethnic Chinese from Kinmen whose businesses in Nanyang succeeded returned to their hometown to help build it up. This is the background of the foreign architectures erected in Kinmen. Come to visit Kinmen with Huayu World! 連結網址:http://www.huayuworld.org/learningchinese/video/tourism_detail/141 |
歡迎到金門,僑鄉之美,盡在洋樓、古厝間~~~~ |