Month: 2017-10

文章 留言
時間:2017-10-31 14:55
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2017年10月31日上午6:55 · 今天是西洋的萬聖節,
Happy Holloween!!
  Chung K’uei, the devil queller, is dressed in red with a mirror in his left hand and a hat in his right hand.… 更多 Underneath him there are three tame devils and another one, holding a pomegranate branch, is seized between his knees. A bat, the symbol of happiness, is flying in the upper corner. The representation of the theme is unusually original in showing the ugly Chung K’uei astonished by his own face in the mirror.
這檔2013神鬼傳奇大展沒有跟到好可惜啊~~如果 傳晉朝 顧愷之 洛神圖 跟 宋朝 馬麟 三官出巡圖 近期有展出計畫,還請小編幫忙宣傳一下。想看想死了