Month: 2018-02

文章 留言
時間:2018-02-05 14:53
上午在高雄的中崎農場,和有機農友們交換意見,咬下一口現採的芭樂,有機的,果然好吃! 曾經是半導體工程師,轉行改種有機芭樂的馬清宮農友提醒:不能咬旁邊,要從芭樂尾端吃,才甜啦!果然,他內行的。 我們從民國100年,第一個將有機蔬菜,帶進了新北學童的營養午餐,8年了,這項政策正在改變台灣,我們將協助全台灣所有的有機作物,都能夠在新北果菜市場推出,都能讓更多的新北居民及孩子們享用,一起把市埸做大,一起讓更多人投入有機農業,讓大家吃得更安心。
During your whole life, how many market big drop will you see… 更多 and have the courage to buy stocks?
Not many, my guess is you can count it with your fingers. Trust me, usually when you want to buy stocks that you like you will not have this great opportunity of discount in prices.
時間:2018-02-14 12:23
新的一年,期許狗來富,更要狗來旺。 祝 福氣滿滿 旺來福來 新年快樂! #旺來福來
It is very dangerous for U.S. Treasury investors to move and… 更多 trade ahead of U.S. FED's action. For all we know, they might be bluffing. And all of you will get hurt.