Month: 2021-01

文章 留言
時間:2021-01-21 19:04
恭賀美國新政府就職,並向拜登總統 Joe Biden 及賀錦麗副總統 Kamala Harris 表達最誠摯祝賀! 我們相信拜登總統會實踐對人民的承諾,用美國不停歇、勇敢、樂觀的方式,帶領著美國走上團結之路。 臺北與華府都重視自由民主的價值、尊重並傾聽人民的聲音。 在世界面臨防疫和經濟振興的考驗時,臺灣與美國也都展現出堅強的韌性。邇來兩國關係不斷提升之際,期望未來我們能在不同層次多元互動。… 更多 祝福並預期美國在拜登總統卓越的領導之下,邁向康莊大道! Warmest congratulations to President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris on their historic inauguration. While one door closes and another one opens, best wishes for America on its transition to the 46th President of the United States of America. Taipei and Washington share a unique relationship that places value in democracy and unity amongst its citizens. This is a critical time for cooperation to succeed globally, and we look forward to… 更多