Month: 2016-05

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時間:2016-05-27 21:10
5月26日是美國的國家紅鼻子日(Red Nose Day),這個節日最早源自於英國,在這天大家會帶起紅鼻子,或是用其他有趣的裝扮,藉由這樣有趣的方式呼籲大眾關心世界上需要關懷的孩子們,很多學校趁此機會進行愛心教育,老師也會戴上紅鼻子,讓學生在玩耍嬉笑中學會助人、培養他們的愛心。
#RedNoseDay #紅鼻子日
分享 CHP - Altadena 在 National Red Nose Day 2016 相簿中新增了 4 張相片 — 在 Altadena
We are being seriously silly here at the CHP Altadena Office for National Red Nose Day. Red Nose Day is a campaign dedicated to helping children and having fun. Proceeds benefit children and young people in the US and some of the poorest communities in the world. #CHP #RedNoseDay #RedNose4Kids
So sweet...^_^