Month: 2017-05

文章 留言
時間:2017-05-31 14:21
稍後在 14:30 將進行「自然生姿態—于右任書法特展」的開展前記者會直播,歡迎有空的朋友準時上線收看!
分享 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum
自然生姿態—于右任書法特展(明天 6/1 開展!)<br> Graced by Nature: A Special Exhibition of Yu Yu-jen's Calligraphy (Opens tomorrow! June first!)<br> 展期(Dates):2017-06-01~2017-08-27<br> 陳列室:北部院區 第一展覽區 105,107<br> Galleries : (Northern Branch)… 更多 Exhibition Area I 105,107<br> ****************************************<br>   此次展出本院受贈與購藏之于右任書法作品,時代跨距來臺前後,完整呈現于右任碑體與草體兩大書風的藝術成就。他一生交遊廣闊,索書者不斷,加上筆耕不輟,傳世作品數量頗豐。展覽規劃以其書風發展為主軸,另外提供家傳墨寶、親近友人之間酬贈作品的觀察,從物質文化、社會網絡等不同的文化視野擴充對于右任書法的認識。<br>   This special exhibition features a wide assortment of calligraphy by Yu Yu-jen donated to or purchased by the National Palace Museum. It also includes many works that he did prior to arriving in Taiwan, providing a full assessment of his accomplishments in both stele and… 更多