Month: 2020-04

文章 留言
時間:2020-04-28 07:59
今天英文台北時報社論特別提到以信在總質詢講台語的事,老實說有點意外,我是台南人會講台語很奇怪嗎?其實我爸台南人,我媽雲林人,他們在家彼此都講台語的,只是我在台北長大比較少講,所以有時候講起來卡卡的。 那題總質詢以信用台語問蘇院長,是因為關心的是台南南鐵東移的事情,我用台語問答是想讓台南鄉親聽得清楚一些。至於社論猜我要與3Q哥比台語,那就真的想太多了,而且他的台語真的比我好很多。… 更多 不過台語來自河洛語,是古漢語,唐朝李白吟詩就是用河洛語。今天歷史因緣際會的演變下,讓台語的推廣與發揚,竟與古漢語的文化保存合而為一,想來非常奇妙!而這種寫在語言歷史裡頭的DNA,絕不是任何意識形態政客想洗就可以洗得掉的⋯ 不過補充一下,蘇院長當時糾正我,說我把「鐵路」的台語說成「鐵支路」是不對的,而我明明記得在台南聽老一輩的人是說「鐵支路」,後來特別查了一下,發現我說的是對的,那天一時之間被蘇院長唬住了⋯ 「During a March 17 question-and-answer session with Premier Su Tseng-chang (蘇貞昌), KMT Legislator Charles Chen (陳以信) deliberately switched to Taiwanese halfway through the segment, saying that “he is from Tainan,” where the language is spoken by many. During the exchange, Su twice corrected Charles… 更多

EDITORIAL: Taiwanese is the new cool - Taipei Times

Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Legislator Sufin Siluko on Monday last week asked Minister of Economic Affairs Shen Jong-chin (沈榮津) to speak Mandarin instead of Hoklo (commonly known as Taiwanese) when explaining the government’s policies to bail out sectors and people affected by COVID-19, ...