Month: 2021-04

文章 留言
時間:2021-04-26 09:00
邀請您一起來認識具有吉祥意涵的銅鏡,〈漢 尚方博局紋鏡〉。 漢 西元前206-西元220
材質 青銅
直徑16.6公分 鏡背中央圓紐,四周飾以規矩、乳釘、四靈、仙人等圖像,並一圈吉祥文,作「作佳竟(鏡)哉真大好,上有仙人不知老,渴飲玉泉饑食棗,浮游天下敖(遨)四海,壽如金石為國保兮。」漢人用鏡,除作修容,更多的是吉祥意義。 Han dynasty BC206-AD220… 更多
Mirror of Shang-fang with TLV pattern
Material: bronze
Diameter: 16.6 cm The back of this mirror has a round knob in the center and is decorated throughout with geometric patterns, protrusions, the Four Spirits, and immortal figures. There is also a ring of auspicious text that states that "the making of this 'fine' mirror is of great favor. The immortals on it know not of old age as they quench their thirst in a stream of jade and feed their hunger with dates. They travel throughout the Heavens and… 更多