Month: 2020-11

文章 留言
時間:2020-11-22 17:22
今天,你愛台灣的姿勢對了嗎? 剝奪台灣的言論自由、毒害人民的身體健康,原來這就是民進黨”愛台灣”的方式! 民進黨正在出賣台灣的言論自由來掩蓋執政的腐敗無能,民進黨正在出售我們的身體健康來交換他們的政治利益,如果我們每一個人都像民進黨一樣愛台灣,根本不用什麼對岸的飛彈,再過幾年我們自己就能在執政者的腐敗無能、萊豬核食裡原地爆炸了!真正愛台灣的執政黨,絕對不會一面要媒體惦惦、一邊餵人民毒藥。 無論你是什麼黨派、什麼信仰,我相信你都想擁有選擇電視台的自由、選擇吃好豬的自由。挺言論自由、反萊豬進口,這才是愛台灣的正確姿勢。 今天,你愛台灣的姿勢對了嗎? They compromise your freedom of speech to cover their incompetency in… 更多 office. They leverage your health for political profit. This, is how they “love” Taiwan! A party who truly loves Taiwan, would never hush the press to poison their people. Regardless of your stance, regardless of your faith, I trust that you have the desire to defend your freedom to choose the news channels you watch and your right to consume uncorrupted content. Stand up for freedom of speech and say no to partisan censorship. Do you love and honour Taiwan, in the way that you should?