今早接獲通知,知名網站 The Culture Trip 報導,國立故宮博物院獲得推薦,為造訪台北的最佳景點之一,和所有粉絲分享。(高興之餘,我們理解仍有許多改進的空間,我們也會繼續努力改善參觀環境。)
We are so pleased to receive the letter from ‘The Culture Trip’, the National Palace Museum has been… 更多 selected as one of the Taipei Local Favorites 2016.
來信原文如下 (the orginal letter from The Culture Trip):
“We're delighted to tell you that National Palace Museum was picked by The Culture Trip as one of our Taipei Local Favorites 2016” Read the article: The 15 Most Visited Museums In The World. (http://theculturetrip.com/north-america/usa/articles/the-15-most-visited-museums-in-the-world/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=FOShareEmail&utm_campaign=FO_EMAIL_03_05_2016_CONTROL&utm_content=National_Palace_Museum) ※ The Culture Trip 曾獲得2014年度英國最佳網站獎(藝術文化類)