新年金銀猴吉來-新年新移民慶祝活動<br> [Chinese New Year 2016 Celebration for New Migrants in Taiwan] 移民署經與國防部等單位協調,成功取得台北市興隆路、前國防部德景營區,並規劃成移民署訓練中心,在今天舉行「移民署訓練中心啟用典禮暨新春賀年活動」。<br> Under the guidance and assistance of the relevant… 更多 department, National Immigration Agency has successfully opened training center in Xinlong Road, Taipei City. “Immigration Training Center Opening Ceremony and Chinese New Year 2016 Celebration” is held on today (30/01/2016) in NIA training center with the participants from NIA and New Migrants in Taiwan. 📱快下載「新移民全球新聞網」App,隨時掌握新資訊📱<br> Android版本 ➡ https://goo.gl/0luVEU<br> Apple Store版本 ➡ https://goo.gl/t7m80n