【政策簡單說】6/26-27 APEC IncluNextWeek-中小企業O2O高峰會 🎉 2019 #APECIncluNextWeek 來到第3天,進入 #APEC中小企業O2O高峰會 場次,很高興邀請到許多APEC會員體高階官員代表、跨國企業代表與數位經濟領域專家共襄盛舉,一同分享數位經濟的最新趨勢。 今天沒辦法參加還有明天!四大主題專家座談會將在明天由各國企業代表分享 #行動商務 、#共享經濟 、#物聯網… 更多 及 #下世代創新 ! 還沒來的朋友趕快把握最後機會,小編期待在現場看到大家!
✌場次: 6/26-27 O2O高峰會;6/26沙盒論壇
✌報名:https://apecinclunext.tier.org.tw/ On the 3rd day of 2019 #APECIncluNextWeek, here comes #APECSMEO2OSummit. Distinguished guests including senior officials from APEC region, representatives from multinational corporations and experts gather here for sharing the latest trend of digital economy. Tomorrow, they will share insights on #MCommerce, #SharingEconomy, #IoT, and #NextGenerationInnovation. Don’t miss the last chance to catch the trend!
APEC IncluNext Week
✌Venue: Cathay Financial Conference Hall (1F, No. 9, Songren Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City)
✌Event: 26-27 June: APEC SME O2O Summit; 26 June: Innovation Sandbox Forum