國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2016年4月13日上午3:53 · 小編最近在院區四處走跳時,發現有為數不少的家長都帶著小朋友來到本院參觀!其實故宮雖然外表看起來裝嚴肅穆,但我們有許多對親子觀眾的貼心措施喔!
現在兒童學藝中心特別彙整了院區裡各項與親子觀眾相關的資訊,像是哺乳室的位置、租借嬰兒車的地方、如何申請親子觀眾的導覽,以及故宮教育頻道等等,非常清楚及實用,歡迎大家多多利用,享受更美好的故宮之旅!… 更多
◆國立故宮博物院 兒童學藝中心(免票參觀)
洽詢電話(contact):886-2-2881-2021 #285
◆National Palace Museum Children's Gallery (Free Admission!!)
Hours: Everyday 8:30 - 18:30, Friday and Saturday extended till 21:00.
Closed for every Monday after 13:00.
Intended for: Children ages 5-12. (Children must enter with adults.)
Visiting the Children's Gallery:
1.Groups with less than 10 visitors are free to visit within the gallery hours.
2.Groups with more than 10 must make a reservation with the gallery 7 days prior to visiting.
●Reservation information can be found at the NPM website: https://signup.npm.edu.tw/Advice.aspx?ActivityId=4&LangId=1(only in Chinese)
●Children's Gallery Website: http://theme.npm.edu.tw/children/en/index.html