【創業大冒險】APEC女性創業國際交流❤️❤️❤️ 猜猜這次飛雁計畫與優秀的女性企業家到哪了? 答案揭曉👇👇👇 飛雁計畫首次與俄羅斯一起執行APEC倡議💪💪💪
蘇副處長文玲帶領 #貝爾克斯生技、#永智顧問、#益福生醫、#家誠全球數位醫材 一同前往俄羅斯與APEC會員國分享女性創業經驗👍👍❤️❤️ 並藉此參訪當地IT、科技及生醫等產官學單位,洽談合作可能👍👍👍… 更多 -----------
女性創業飛雁計畫 致力尋求國際合作交流的可能
我也想參加!!如何報名?? 🕊快來參加第八屆女性創業菁英賽
🌸詳細報名資訊及連結:http://competition.sysme.org.tw/ -----------
Women entrepreneurship program coorganise APEC initiatives with Russia for the very first time! ❤️ Wen-Ling Su, the Deputy Director General, representative from Taiwan's SME leads the outstanding Taiwan's women entrepreneurs from BELX Bio-Pharmaceutical, YC Consultants, Bened Biomedical and Jia Chen Global Dental instrument to share their women entrepreneurship experiences with other APEC Economies and visit the IT, technology and biomedical industries in Siberian region for marketing connections. 💪💪💪 Join Women entrepreneurship program for international business connections and resources. 👍👍👍