The 71st WHA will kick off an hour later. Till now, Taiwan hasn't received invitation. So with this… 更多 international press conference, we’ll speak out firmly to let the world know where we stand.
[主持/Moderator] 羅一鈞副署長
Dr, Yi-Chun Lo / Deputy Director-General of Taiwan CDC
[講者/Speaker] 陳時中部長、吳運東大使
Dr. Shih-Chung Chen / Minister of Health and Welfare
Dr. Yung-Tung Wu / Ambassador-at-Large
小編OS:請大家幫忙把直播分享給更多國內外關心台灣的朋友 -- 多一份關注,就是多一分力量!Please Share with friends who care for Taiwan or world health. The more attention we receive, the louder our voice is!