SOS 地球展示系統 - 中央氣象局。 2,461 個讚 · 1 人正在談論這個。『地球展示系統』是一套創新的球型顯示系統。英文名稱為『Science On a Sphere』簡稱 SOS,擁有包含大氣、陸地、海洋、天文及數值模擬等題材,利用3D投影呈現全新的4D視覺效果。
新增內容[ClimateBits: Fast Carbon, Slow Carbon]:
Datasets | Science On a Sphere
This video gives a brief overview of fast and slow carbon cycling on Earth. Satellite imagery of atmospheric carbon dioxide combined with vegetation demonstrates the uptake of atmospheric carbon dioxide by plants on land over the annual cycle. Young, fast carbon such as a banana comes from plants gr…