What is the time frame for making a decision on this position?… 更多 (這個職務的人選決定時間範圍是多久?)
When will a decision be made about this position? (關於這個職務人選甚麼時候會決定?)
Mr./Ms., I am very impressed with what I’ve seen and heard here today and am confident that I could do an excellent job in the position you’ve described to me. When might you be in a position to make an offer? (我對今天所看到及聽到的印象深刻,我有信心我可以在您描述的職位上表現傑出,您甚麼時候可以決定人選?)
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you and the possibility of joining your staff. (謝謝您的時間及考慮我。我期盼聽到您的消息,及加入您的陣容。)