【財經補給讚】新創企業募資入門篇-投資條件書 由美國Angel Capital Association(ACA)所舉辦的年度峰會
(ACA Summit)是全球首屈一指的天使投資活動, 歷年ACA峰會的內容非常多元,這兩年更將投資課題列為峰會重點
今年的議題鎖定為投資條件書(Term Sheet)
將新創與投資應該關注的條件加以分析與討論,安排專題研討。 投資條件書通常發生在與投資人達成初步協議時… 更多
新創企業也可藉機檢視每項條件是否皆可接受 本文則將聚焦於Term Sheet,分享來自ACA峰會的觀點。
新創企業與投資人都不能錯過唷 點我看更多👉https://pse.is/FPLHL 【Lesson for Term sheet】
ACA is a collective of accredited angel investors. The association is the largest angel professional development organization in the world, which provides an insider perspective that can help you make smart investment decisions. The seminar provides clear, practical information on early-stage investment term sheets.Term Sheet topic is important for both startups and investors. Term Sheet is a document outlining the material terms and conditions of a business investment agreement.Within the context of venture capital financing, a term sheet typically includes conditions for financing a startup company. This report focused on helping rookie angel investors and startups understand deal terms sheet. More details👉https://pse.is/FPLHL
由美國Angel Capital Association(ACA)[1]所舉辦的年度峰會(ACA Summit)是全球首屈一指的天使投資活動,該會匯集700多位投資者,進行實務經驗分享、探討最新投資數據和趨勢,以及與北美天使的網絡連結。今年4月24至26日,為期三.....