【Are you ready to rock】head to TechCrunch Disrupt SF 2015 台灣新創競技場徵選新創團隊,如果你是Taiwan-based的科技新創,且有產品原型(硬體) 或是open beta (軟體),歡迎報名Rock the MIC 2;透過團隊2分鐘的英文產品介紹來評選,最後徵選出8個團隊飛往San Francisco參加9月的TechCrunch DISRUPT,有興趣的團隊請於8/22前報名哦! 詳請參閱:http://www.startupstadium.tw/rock2
ROCK the MIC 2: TechCrunch Disrupt SF 2015
Calling all Taiwan startups! It's time for ROCK the MIC 2, with your chance to ROCK TechCrunch Disrupt SF 2015 this September! Eight winners will be chosen to fly to San Francisco to exhibit in the Taiwan Pavilion at Disrupt, sharing your product with thousands of attendees from across the world. Wh…